Saturday, February 9, 2013

Finally Finished!!!

Yep y'all! Finally finished...

I m talking about Odelia's fever! What a hard week it was... I've never be tired this much and never think about how it s hard for me to see my lil girl in that situation! God s wonderful...

He s making miracles all the time... And my girl totally healed.

And i was in a conferance today. It was wonderful for either ways.I was little bit resting and i was listening wonderful speech...

But I was still miss my 2 babies. David said me that Odelia asked him that she want to see mommy... awwwww how cute it s and Yuhanna came and hugged him many times as he does to me...

I am just learning how to be a full time mom and how to protect and teach my kids about God and everything else...And I m learning that it s not that easy as i thought. But it s greater feeling than i thought...
I m so happy that i have this 2... and have a wonderful husband who s supporting me for everything...
And I decided to educate myself more so i can give more to my kids and husband and even some people who needs to advise... (Lets see)! And decided to go over again my goals of the year...

One of the my goal for the rest of the year I will spent more time for writing... And i have to managing my time and learn how to make plans... Ah Lord just give me the strength to do this and teach me about yourself...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My poor little girl

My girl had a wonderful birthday but the same night she had so high fever and  morning i gave her medicine and she was ok. But 2 hours later she had again so high fever it was 41 C ...Oh gush...

I didnt know what to do and took her the hospital and it was not easy because my girl is afraid from doctors.
Anyway they gave us some medicines. It was more hard at night and we didnt sleep until 5 am.

And she was ok at 7 am but now fever started came up again...

I had to cancel our dinner with friends...
Just wanna share some of the birthday party photos at below.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Birthday Party for my First Born

It was such a busy week...
Could you believe how much i should do cleaning and cleaning and cleaning...Shopping and planning and cooking and baking and i did my first fondant Birthday cake... It was such a cool experience...but took my 4 hours too...

And i invited just the few people with their little kids...But only 3 of them came...urghhhhhhh...
But it was ok and my all the feelings changed when my baby girl (3yo) was so happy and excited...

My day turned 180C  when she said me that `thank you mommy`... You are welcome my sweety...

I should thank you that you made me momma for the first time... and bring to my life more laugh, joy, happiness... I cant even think a life without you my Odelia... You are the real Grace from GOD...

You made my day longer and night shorter but made my life more enjoyable...

Love you sweetheart